Monday, September 29, 2008

Kreativ Blogger

I was recently given this most distinguished Kreativ Blogger Award from Erin :). Upon accepting this award I am to list 6 things that make me happy and then pass the torch to three other lucky ladies. This just happens to fit so well into my theme recently of thinking about things that make me happy. I'll keep this list short and sweet:

1. Being married to my best friend, cliche right? But seriously I don't think it could be any better.

2. Finally being able to feel my baby move-- Talk about being an emotional pregnant woman, I vacillate between sheer joy and tears to overwhelmed at the prospects growing inside of me!

3. My dog, while he drives me crazy on an almost daily basis he also is very entertaining and companionable.

4. My family, immediate to extended. I feel so lucky to have such a great support system.

5. My testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ and developing a personal relationship with my Saviour

6. Learning new things and making new things.

I now present this award to:

Becca Robinson
Erin W.
Becca Jones


Just Only Me said...

You DO have an awesome blog, I love your posts. Congrats on the award!

Anonymous said...

I love your #2. I am so happy for you!